

  2004 Photo's
Peter Lynam Winner Peter Handy 2nd Place Dave Moseley
Eddie Bain George Burgess George Frost Judge
Gordon Daffurn Jim Fowlkes and Sean Fearn John Lenihan
John Wright Ken Weaver Kevin Wilkinson
Les Dodds Mick Manser Morris Barwick
Nevil Hackett Paul Lee Paul Sissons
Paul Williams Phil Ahmed Ronnie Hale
Peter Stripp Steve McGlory Tony Bagley
Steve Buckley Trevor Weaver Wayne Grove
Trevor Slater and Andy Bainbrigge Fancier's at Kevin Wilkinson's Home Fancier's at Sean Ferns Home


2003 Photos

John Weins, Trevor Slater, Paul Lee Kevin Wilkinson, John Weins  
Steve Wooley,Trevor Slater, George Mason, John Weins L to R Steve MCGlory, Dave Moseley, Ian Baines, John Weins, John Huntingdon, George Chapman. John Weins, Trevor Slater and Wife
L to R Steve McGlory,Dave Moseley,Joy Stafford,Dave Stafford, Mick Manser  Ian Baines,John Weins
L to R  Steve Kershall,Morris Barwick,Pete Handy,John Weins,John Huntingdon, Paul Holdcroft,Nathan Holdcroft
John Weins,George Mason, chewing the Fat!!
Hull Midlands Northeast
Bradford Eric Laidler and Heine Bijker with a group of Dutch Fanciers Southwest
2002 Photos
Jim Jenner, Paul Lee, Trevor Weaver, Ken Weaver,   Peter Petrovicius, Heine Bijker, Dave Moseley and John Heague Heine Bijker and Dave Moseley Heine Bijker and Ferid Catak
Heine Bijker, Mark Bilton, Peter Larvin, Dave Moseley, Ian Baines, George Frost, Peter Eetrovicius, Kevin Wilkinson, John Heagues Boy and Peter Harper.
George Mason

Henning Pedersen, Eric Laidler, Kristian Jonasen, Heine Bijker, Jorgen Rosengreen, Ferid & Selva Catak, Ferid Sabic and daughter Zerina in Ferid Catak`s garden

Bill O'Callaghan Trevor Slater

Dave Moseley


Kevin Wilkinson  

John Lenihan
